Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Turn on the lights

For quite a while, I have really tended towards "American" style games--games where the theme is pretty prevalent, as is a fair amount of luck. This is in contrast to "European" games, where strategy and planning take precedence over theme. There are exceptions to each of these, but--for the most part--games tend to fall into these two categories. And, to start the hobby, I really was not drawn to European (or Euro) games at all. Until Power Grid.

The very first time I played this game, I knew that I had found something. I love the artwork for the game (especially the box and cards), and I now know why Euros are so attractive to many gamers--they require a certain amount of a player. To me, Power Grid forces me to plan (something that, in real life, I tend to lag at), to look at the future and go about my business accordingly.

I have played with my game group, with family members, and with my wife. I have enjoyed it every time, and it seems to me like everybody else has loved it as well. It has made Gloria realize that she really leans towards Euro games. Power Grid has a very balanced mix of player interaction, very slight chance elements, with a heavy dose of common sense math. It will make you think, but not make your head sore.


caron said...

gloria! gloria! i think they got your number, i think they got the alias that you've been living under!

Things of No Interest said...

I love Power Grid, but note that 4-5 players is the sweet spot. With 6 players, its really a bit luck driven in when the plants come out and are available to you.

corrie said...

power grid, not bad. i didn't get the end of game rules the first time we played, so i lost by one dollar. boo hiss.
i will say i have won TIKAL both times we have played!! woohoo! i am cool.
would love to play games with you, ted, and gloria.