Monday, July 23, 2007

power struggle

i am really ticked off right now. power grid is a stupid game. i am seething. i am glaring at the blog master himself. he's counting the pieces of the game. i am counting how many pieces i would like to suck up in the vacuum tomorrow morning. might just suck up the whole stinkin' game.

obviously--i lost.

and the gamebler thinks it's funny when i'm a poor sport, when i call him names, & when i exhibit childish behavior. thankfully.


Jaybird said...

Funny thing, Fern, it is the first time that I have won in, what, 5 times that we have played? All good things must come to an end. As one era of dominance ends, so another commences.

Red October said...

ahoy mates. actually, i am not sure ja won!! i'll check the rules, yo.

Things of No Interest said...

I thought this was going to be a post about Twilight Struggle and I got all excited. Now I read that its just a childish post about losing a two player game of PG? WEAK!!! ;)

Jaybird said...

The sad thing is--after many reviews of rules on the 'Geek....she won. Stupid game.

Things of No Interest said...

bwahahaha - let me guess. You had more cities than her, but she could power more? Everyone gets that rule confused. The end game of PG usually comes down to someone trying to get into enough cities to end the game before everyone else can catch up in capacity. The end game might be 15 cities, but if you power 10 and nobody else can, you win.

Jaybird said...

What happened was, I had more cities to power, and built into the 21st city, triggering the endgame. However, we both figured that once the 21st city was built, that was it--whomever could power the most cities at that point won. But, she did not have a chance to build her 19th city, which she had the capacity to power--thus we would have tied, as I was also able to power 19 cities. This would kick it over to the elektro count, of which she had more than I did. Bah. She wins. Again.