Thursday, July 26, 2007

I heart rulebooks

In one of the telling signs of weirdness, last night I said out loud that I just wanted to read the rules to a new game. Of all the things that I could do, of all the options at my disposal (we were going to watch an episode of Arrested Development--the greatest television show of all-time), I honestly just wanted to sit down on the couch, and learn how to play a new game. To pour over rules, tables, turn-orders, chits, charts, steps, phases, and endgames. I just wanted to read some new rules.


caron said...

here are the fifteen commandments,[drops tablet] ahem, TEN commandments.

rule book lover!

Red October said...

you know what's worse...when you start reading rule books over and over. you have them laying around the house in place of Baseball Weekly and GameInformer. you read them over to see if you missed the slightest rule that could have tipped that last game. you leave them at the bedside just to see the art.