Thursday, June 7, 2007

Lost in Manhattan

Manhattan is one of the truly underrated games in my collection. I think that this game plays great--very good mix of strategy and interaction with just a hint of luck involved. Quick to learn--about 5-10 minutes of rules, but mastering the game takes a while. There is no such thing as a guaranteed win, and one-upmanship plays a key part. This game looks very 80's--cheap art and bad colors, but man is it fun to play. Great with spouses, non-gaming friends, and more intelligent household pets. Rudy would love it.

Zena thinks that this game plays better with 4 than 2 or 3, but I really believe that it is worth playing no matter how many people are playing.


caron said...

play against yourself, i dare you. like one of those chess games that the board-game-obsessed person plays against himself. and if you don't win...well...then...

Red October said...

i think most games would benefit from as many players as you can draw. we'll have to play El Grande the next time we see you guys.