Thursday, May 3, 2007

If I only had sticks for fingers

Boardgames are not always relegated to boards. Some of my favorite games have no board at all. Carcassonne, Hive, and Gulo Gulo are some of the best example of games that lack boards but are incredibly entertaining. All have their charms, but by far, the one that is the most fun is Gulo Gulo.

I will spare the rules details, but the object of the game is to turn over tiles and then pluck a wooden egg out of a bowl whose egg corresponds with the overturned pile. Whoever gets to the last tile, and then is able to find the single purple tile in a stack of 5, and is then able to draw that egg from the bowl is the winner. The only thing that you must remember when drawing eggs: do not set off the alarm (a pole with an egg on the end of it.) Simple. You can learn in 5 minutes. But if you are an adult, you will quickly learn the extent that your age inevitably will increase your clumsiness. If you are a child, you should not be reading this blog. If your parents read it, they are cool. But if perchance you are a child, you will quickly find that you have the upper hand here. You have no fear. You approach the egg without trepidation, without any hint of hesitation. You have tiny little ninja fingers. Your fingers strike quickly.

Annie has beaten me far more times than I have beaten her. She is a good sport, "Good game, dad, good game." Easy for her to say. She always wins. I have fat sausages for fingers compared to her tiny surgical fingers. If I win, it is merely because she got antsy and impatient and did not pay attention to what she was doing. For this reason, it is one of my favorite games. I have rated it a 9 out of 10. Only one other game has that high of a rating by me: Ticket to Ride.

Lulu and I played a late night game of Gulo Gulo once. It was nearly 10:30--past bedtime--and we sat at the kitchen table, and played a game. It was hilarious. If I was a drinking man, (which I really am not--most of the time) or a Bob Marley fan (love his music, but....) then this game would always entertain. I would love to watch a bunch of drunks play this game. Now that would be entertaining.


caitlyn said...

Wow. I love that you didn't mention that this is a kid's game. But, I must agree, that was quite a fun game, even from the sidelines. Love you Jaybirrrrd.

Jeff said...

You should know that I am quoting you (and this blog specifically)in a message tomorrow morning. Rock the simple truth my friend, rock the simple truth.